DEHYDRATED AND DOMINANT? Courtesy of the CrossFit Journal, June 2015
REQUIRED VIEWING: THE PUSH-UP As often as this exercise is taught and reviewed it remains elusive for many people, even “strong” people.
Workout of the Day
1X2@70% 1 rep max
10 minute AMRAP:
10 dumbbell power snatches 50/30# (5 each arm)
10 box jumps 24/20″
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Hey George I wasn’t able to get a fire truck or any machine guns as you requested for the party but I was able to get this http://youtu.be/-G5lyqGt8hQ
Matt any way that this is what your backyard looks like
That is my back yard
Matt–The Sauce Kit is so much better than guns and fire trucks! Did you really get it? Should I bring my stick? I”M SO EXCITED!!!
John–Did my Jedi powers work? Are you going? How come the guys in that video had ordinary run of the mill bodies but all the chicks were skinny? Not one Thick Chick in the group. I call bullshit and I’m protesting.
Matt–If that was actually your backyard I’d set up a tent there from June until September and nobody would see me….unless they joined me on the slide and in the pond. It would be….epic!
George it just might have worked, lmao
John–I hope so because my next option is a Direct Action mission where me and some special, hand-picked people do a body snatch. You’re the target. We will pull up in a windowless van, grab you, throw you in and be out of the area, all in under 6 seconds.
I’ve done it before.
And I’m good at it.
Something to keep in mind when you need The Final Option.
Comments are getting so entetaining!
George def bring your hockey stick
John I hope it doesn’t come to having us kid nap you!!
You knew this was coming:
Body snatching, Hockey Sauce, adult beverages….yeah…that’s entertainment. This might be The Party of Summer 2015.
It does sound like the party of the summer. Damn