
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                 CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


 5 rounds for time of:

3 Turkish Get-ups, per arm (use kettlebell, dumbbell or barbell)

15 Double Unders


CrossFit Suffolk-5-19-2012-63



Memorial Day Murph is just days away!  We have added an additional session for Memorial Day: 7:15am!  Thanks for your cooperation with this special workout on this special day!  Nearly all sessions for Memorial Day are filled–the only spots available right now are for: 7:15am and 11:30am!

 Top 8 Most Common Reactions To Your Grain-Free Diet(and How To Respond)   "While grains represent an easy, cheap source of carbohydrates (that most sedentary people simply don’t need), they also contain “anti-nutrients,” proteins and lectins and other nutritional factors that impair digestion, perforate the intestinal lining, increase inflammation, and can even exacerbate or (possibly) induce auto-immune diseases. Since the purpose of life is to reproduce and that grain has to make it into the ground to germinate and turn into a plant, grains don’t want to be eaten, and they use the anti-nutrients to dissuade consumption in lieu of the running, climbing, flying, crawling, biting, and stinging that animals use to survive."-Mark Sisson, Mark's Daily Apple

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