
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                       CROSSFIT SUFFOLK

15 minutes to work up to a Heavy (but technically sound) Power Clean & Push Jerk.


For total time:

25 Burpees

3 rounds of:
15 Ring Dips
200 meter run

25 Burpees



Matt A.

CrossFit Suffolk-5-19-2012-53


 CrossFit One World: When A Squat Is Not A Squat    "Some of you just have no awareness of what your ass does for a living. You are so disconnected with your body that you believe you are sqatting lower than you really are. You also try and compensate not squatting lower by bending over more, which also makes you think you are squatting lower. Since you probably don't want to install a back-up camera on your ass, the best thing to do is practice squatting to a box that sets you up at below parallel when your ass touches it. This is the easieast way to get used to squatting below parallel."—Freddie Camacho, CrossFit One World

5/3/1 and Athletes   "I'm here to tell you that regardless of the sport being performed on the field, not much really changes. This obviously goes against the "sport specific training specialists" who are trying to convince you that each athlete and sport is a special snowflake."—Jim Wendler for TNation.com



World Wide WOD-The Aftermath-Garage Games 2012

The Garage Games Series presents "World Wide WOD – The Aftermath"

An online event similar to the Open, taking place after the Crossfit Games, July 15-31. You can compete from anywhere. Simply register and submit video proof to compete against everyone in the world.

Click on the link for rules and further details.


Festivus Games

Festivus is the first National CrossFit competition designed for the novice and intermediate CrossFitter, no scaling necessary.  Locally, the Festivus Games will be held at CrossFit 516 in Mineola on August 4th 2012.  Click on the link for further details.



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