Saturday, 18 May 2013


Saturday, 18 May 2013


12 minutes to establish Press 1 Rep Max


15 minute A.M.R.A.P of:

10 push press  75/50#

20 sit-ups

30 kettlebell swings  24/16 kg


Maria and Ali defy gravity one box jump at a time.IMG_1153




Kettlebells Improve Balance and Job Satisfaction       "We see again and again that exercise not only strengthens our bodies, but also strengthens our minds. Mark Rippetoe said in Starting Strength,
“Exercise is not a thing we do to fix a problem – it is a thing we must
do anyway, a thing without which there will always be problems.” This study adds to the growing body of evidence that locking someone in an office for eight hours is incredibly abnormal.
But just twenty minutes of hard physical activity can go far in
returning that person to his normal state of physically strong, mentally
awake, and socially satisfied."
Jeff Barnett for Breaking Muscle


How You're Sabotaging Your Posture and Your Time In The Gym       "No amount of good posture while lifting for the hour or two you work out can make up for the sheer amount of time spent in poor position while sitting."—Jeff Kuhland for Breaking Muscle


We're hosting the CrossFit
Kettlebell Trainers Course, July13 & 14th 2013.  For more details
and registration check here.  It is rare for one of the CrossFit Specialty Courses
to be offered on Long Island.  It is rare for one of the top-tier
kettlebell coaches in the world to present on Long Island.  Take
advantage of the opportunity while you can!!


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