Workout of the Day
Hang Power Clean
1X3@ 60% 1-rep max
1X3@70% 1-rep max
1X3@80% 1-rep max
4 rounds for time of:
20 Lunge steps
10 Toes to bar
20 double unders
10 push-ups
20 weighted sit-ups 25/10#
10 box jumps 24/20″
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Love that article
Good article George!
The expert was once the beginner.
Kelly–“The expert was once the beginner.” This concept is lost on so many people. And the way to continue advancing, in anything, is consistent practice with the “beginner’s mind”. Once we feel like we have nothing else to learn we close our mind to learning and growing. All “experts” are people who have mastered the “basics” and refined their technique through years of training.
Great article! I am going to give myself that mentality from now on when I come in.
I also read the article in your voice George and it made it 10x better.
Thanks all!
So like i was saying before my accidental discharge:
Andy I appreciate your comment, but I on’t think the author of the article would, being she is a woman. Feel free to read my articles in my voice. You’re going to have to come up with your own voices for the articles written by other people. Sorry.
Ever since Jon’s comments I’ve been reading everything in an Australian accent
By the way I’m at the beach all week, call it an inactive recovery period yeah something like that…. You hear the steel drums in the background I’m Jammin’ ( now everything is in a Jamaican accent)
Smithpoint? How’d you do with the windstorm? Have fun!
Great article George. Reminded me of two sayings, No matter how slow you are going you are still lapping everyone on the couch and my favorite, Dead Last is better than did not finish and is even better than did not start. I used to suffer from the “I can only…” but I got over it. Not gonna lie, all the Spartans were a huge help with that change of thinking. And Kelly was definitely a big factor in that, by sharing what you and Lisa and the other coaches taught her. I love our crossfit family 🙂
John–You continue to crack me up! Enjoy the beach.
Bevin–Thanks for the kind words!