Awesome day of training yesterday…we had great weather and we did CrossFit CrownTown’s version of “Speed Dating”! (See yesterday’s blog post for the workout details.) Thanks to Kelly for suggesting the workout and John H. for finding the version we did! It’s our understanding that Kelly found another version of “Speed Dating”. Don’t be surprised if you see “Speed Dating II” in the near future.
Workout of the Day
4 rounds for time of:
200 meter run
10 burpees
20 kettlebell snatches, 10L/10R 16/12kg
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Good morning George!
I already have speed dating 2 I will share when your ready!
Awesome pictures!
That workout made me lose my shirt! No seriously I lost my spartan performance shirt, I’m wondering if anyone picked it up by accident. If you seem to have an extra medium sized shirt, it might be mine. 🙂
Yes, yesterday was an amazing day of training! I was napping by 2pm. Thanks Kelly and John H, and thank you George! That was not an easily orchestrated workout, but you managed it very well!
Ben – I’m not the thieving bastard! I haven’t fit into a Med. since 7th grade
Awesome day
Kelly–Good morning and thank you!
Ben–We found your t-shirt! Nobody picked it up. It was entangled with Lisa’s t-shirt somehow……not while she was wearing it, but while it sat upon the box where she normally keeps her stuff. Great job yesterday!
John–Sorry. I was just visualizing you with a medium t-shirt.
Awesome, it’s one of my favorite shirts!
Yesterday was an awesome day. Even though it was an individual event it had the feel of a team event. Maybe it was the connection that we all (read me all) were struggling through meeting these “girls.” I look forward to Round 2 once the various parts of my body stop aching.
Well said Janie! Looking forward to SD2!