15.2 was nearly as tough this year as it was last year when it was 14.2. That means we either did not do enough overhead squats and chest to bar pull-ups or it’s just a rough combination. Perhaps a little of both?
Doing this workout twice was successful for some, but for most it was not. If you went all out on your first attempt, doing 15.2 two or three days later was not enough recovery time to perform this workout any better than the first time. The athletes that were seduced into a second effort because they were a few reps from completing a round discovered that getting into that oh-so-close next round remained a daunting task.
Warm-up and mobility. Perhaps it’s our age? We cannot say enough about properly warming up and performing the right mobility exercises. Lisa watched my poor performance on Friday night and made the observation that I did not warm-up enough. Not being one to just address the problem and not have a solution, Monday afternoon Lisa gave me a list of warm-up and mobility exercises to facilitate my second attempt. It paid off. I went from 27 reps to 66 reps, more than doubling my score. Thanks Lisa!
Ali (135) and Ben (188) were outstanding in the Scaled division! The usual suspects are out in front for the Rx’d division: Matt (141), Melissa (140), Lisa (125), Pat W. (121), Angelo (114) and Andy (107). Great work! Three more athletes have to be mentioned, not for their scores, but for their accomplishments: After a few months of training and not being able to overhead squat 25 lbs., not too long ago, Courtney was able to get 45 lbs. twice yesterday. Courtney spent a lot of time practicing and refused to quit. You cannot teach that kind of “heart”. Ashley did her first pull-up during 15.2 and Kelly did 9 pull-ups! It was the first time that Ashley and Kelly did regular pull-ups during a workout. Excellent “rising to the occasion” moments!
Tom climbed to the top of the rope on Sunday. We apologize…we have no photo yet. Congratulations Tom!
Nicole deadlifted 330 lbs. yesterday! YEAH NICOLE! Nicole and Melissa are competing in a local powerlifting meet in April!
Jay deadlifted 410 lbs. yesterday as well! YEAH JAY! Jay’s deadlift is a mere 55 lbs. from being triple his body weight!
Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Find your 1 rep max.
10 minute AMRAP:
5 hang power clean 115/75#
5 box jumps 24/20″
10/5 push-ups (10 -men/5-women)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Great job everyone!! It’s very inspiring to be around so many regular people who push so hard!
Congratulations everyone! One of the best parts about this competition in my opinion is everyone’s excitement for everyone else. When people come in and find out who is doing the competition wod at that time, they get excited for them. The camaraderie displayed is amazing, watching other Spartans stop what they are doing to encourage and cheer the competitors on is something you don’t see much out in the real world. Makes our place even more amazing. Keep up the great work!!
Nice George!
Congrats to everyone!
Courtney so awesome! As Lisa says stay the course!
And Ashley super powers revealed!!
Congratulations everyone!!
Awesome job everyone!!! Congrats Courtney #strongestteacheratChippewa … Haha!!!
Thanks everyone! Lol Jen!
Thanks George, Lisa, and John H. for your coaching and positive motivation!! 🙂
Great job on the open everyone! So far it’s been lots of fun doing the WODS,judging,cheering and watching everyone. Thanks Coaches and fellow Spartans for all your advice on how to get through it. George thanks for the great observations on the open every week! See you all tomorrow. Looking forward to 15.3!!
My pleasure Amie!