



CrossFit Headquarters has posted most, if not all, your scores by now.  Go to the 2015 CrossFit Games website and search for your name using the search box in the upper right corner of the page.  Check to see that your scores are there next to your name.  If your scores are not posted please shoot me a text.


2015 CROSSFIT OPEN 15.1 & 15.1a SUMMARY

The Open has been exciting already!  We have 33 competitors from our gym participating.  16 of our athletes are women!  A big deal in light of the fact that last year we had 13 competitors in total.

The competitive effort our athletes have displayed is only exceeded by their effort to help me and Lisa prep the gym and judge the participants.  Your help is much appreciated!  (Thanks for judging me Kelly!)

Everyone has put forth a solid effort and many have exceeded their typical performances.  Some of the women(I’ll list them when I have the correct stats) have hit new personal records (PRs) for the Clean & Jerk during this competition.  There’s nothing like getting a PR during a competition!

Every competition offers the ability to learn and improve.  15.1 & 15.1a were no different.  One thing that stands out is the need for improved grip strength.  CrossFit will improve your grip strength regardless of who you are.  There are some workouts, like 15.1 that require grip strength beyond “good”.  This workout called for remarkable grip strength.  We need to spend more time working with thick bars or Fat Gripz and hanging from the rings/pull-up bars beyond the typical time period it takes t do a set of pull-ups or toes to bar.  We’ll cover this more in future blog posts.

Visualizing your performance, your equipment set-up and your transitions.  See yourself focused and performing perfectly.  See yourself calm and breathing well.  Play this in your mind before the workout then make it happen.  Do not underestimate the power of the mind.

Have a plan.  You don’t have to stay married to the plan, but have some goals.  Speak to the coaches or experienced competitors to see what they think.  Don’t go into the workout without giving it some thought first.  Plan your transitions from one exercise to the next.  The clock is ticking while you’re making your transition.  Don’t dither and don’t allow your mind to wander.

Please add your own comments and observations.  So many of you have insight to offer.  Drop some knowledge in the comment section.—George


Workout of the Day
7 minute EMOM: Clean & Jerk

10 minute AMRAP:
5 box jumps 24/20″
10 power cleans 95/65#

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

17 Responses

  1. Kelly R

    John this is all you have to say!
    I need to make a cup of coffee and start typing !
    Where is everyone? Get commenting!

  2. Jen D

    I wish I had something funny, witty or knowledgable to share right now but my brain seems to be fried! I’ll come back later when my hilarious sense of humor returns. (Don’t worry.. It shouldn’t take too long.. I’m pretty funny… Well at least I think I’m funny)

  3. Dana

    Good Luck everyone! Im kicking myself in the butt for not signing up because i didnt think i was able to compete.. but after doing 15.1 on monday i have come to the conclusion that i am an idiot LOL.
    And also, i would like to add that i wish it would stop snowing because it is messing up my workout routine. thank you and have a great night!

  4. Kelly R

    So here’s my take:
    I wasn’t even going to do the open bc I can’t even do a pullup! Wth! I know I can’t believe it either.
    Then I decided a few days before the open I was registering anyway!
    Best $20 I ever spent! I have had such a good time this last week with ALL of you!
    I even wrote a blog- yup sharing that here if you want to read my full experience

    By far my favorite part so far was judging George! That was the more exciting and more nervewracking then the WOD, I even grabbed Lisa afterwards out of excitement and kissed her on the head like she was my kid- hilarious moment!

    Speaking of judging! Everyone needs to take the judges course online- that in itself is an experience! Super informative and I really learned ALOT!!

    I am having an awesome time with ALL of you guys and sounds so corny but I am REALLY proud of us women!
    16!!! Wow!!!!

  5. John H

    you’re right about the judges course I took it today and it was an eye opener for me. Make sure you have a pen and paper to right down the answers and be PATIENT
    but seriously Jay what is with the profile pic
    Jen where’s the funny

  6. Bevin

    Kelly, the way you (and then me or is it I? Copied) the attack plan for the Clean and jerk 🙂 and if there is a snow day tomorrow, I am going to take the judges course also. Why not be all the way in right? Kelly said it was super informative, that’s a guys course for me then 🙂

    Now what dies every one think 15.2 will involve???

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