

15 minutes of Power Snatch practice


3 rounds for time of:

25 wall ball shots  20/14#

25 box jumps

25 push ups




We asked LIsa to repeat her bar muscle-up performance so we could capture it in photos….IMG_0007

…and there you go!


The all new hooded sweatshirts are ready to be ordered. 
Choose the one of your liking, copy and paste the URL to your browser and place
your order.  We are only taking orders until March 11, 2013.  The sweatshirts are "performance
material".  The letters for the "CrossFit Suffolk" on the back will be
in the distressed format that appears on our t-shirts.  Sweatshirt
orders are pre-paid, pre-ordered only.

If one logo color is chosen significantly more than the other we will probably offer the color in the majority only. 

http://www.customink.com/signup/2jz5u9z1  Black hooded sweatshirt with red on sides, white logos



http://www.customink.com/signup/2jz8cfa5    Black and red hooded sweatshirt with red logos





3 Shoulder Training Tips and 5 Exercises       "….here are five different shoulder exercises you might not have tried
that you can use either in adjunct with the overhead press or as a
replacement if the overhead press is out of the question for you."
—-Ben Bruno for TNation.com


Two Studies Of HeartHealthyWholeGrains     "I’ve written about those studies many times.  Every time I tracked down a
study purporting to prove the benefits of whole grains, the comparison
was between people consuming whole grains and people consuming white
flour.  All we can determine from those studies is that whole grains
aren’t as bad for us as white flour.  To prove whole grains have real
benefits, we’d have to compare people who eat whole grains to people who
eat no grains.
"—Tom Naughton, Fat Head

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