CROSSFIT SUFFOLK ** Forging Elite Fitness
"The Hopper"
The "hopper" is a "grab bag" of workouts. They'll be a number of various workouts and each athlete will pick one from the bag without the luxury of knowing which one it is until you open the folded piece of paper. Larry and Devin will supply the "hopper".
The CrossFit Main Site Workout of the Day (WOD) is a run 5K. Athletes who prefer to run the 5k may do so.
The Fear of Looking Bad
We've seen it. We've experienced it. We know of its existence.
The Fear of Looking Bad.
When someone claims to want to do something positive and productive, but challenging, the thing that often holds them back is the fear of looking bad. The fear of looking bad occurs when the potential athlete looks over at the top tier athlete and begins to compare himself/herself to that athlete. What is often overlooked is how the top tier athlete began and what struggles they went through. Instead of comparing, the new athlete should look at the top tier athlete as a "compass"- as in the direction you'd like to go in.
The only way to overcome the fear of looking bad is to acknowledge that you may struggle. That's okay. In fact, it's good. One need also come to the realization that EVERYONE is really focused on their own performance, regardless of what level of athlete they are, and they're not really thinking about the performance of the new athlete except to offer helpful advice.
All athletes respect the fact that any new athlete is "in there with them" and is willing to learn and struggle. Regardless of what feats you are able to perform or not perform once you join "the club" and are willing to work you're accepted. The only thing that could change this fact is constant whining or an over-inflated ego.
If you read this and are considering CrossFit or considering martial arts training, but are concerned about how you'll measure up the only way you'll know is if you give it a try. If it's not for you then so be it. The worst thing one can do is look back and wonder what would have happened if they would have tried. Don't let the fear of looking bad hold you back from something that will probably help you for the rest of your life.
We all have a little bit of The Fear of Looking Bad. The goal is to acknowledge it and move past it. No one was ever seriously injured or killed because they "looked bad". Most of the time nobody ever notices or it's just your perception anyway.