
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK    **  Forging Elite Fitness

Seven rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps
10 Ring dips

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Compare to 080228.

Brian after a stellar "Fran" performance and PR:  3:05.  Outstanding!P2130178 


Two from Staleytraining.com:

Entertaining article with one of the maxims by Mike Burgener.  You've heard of some, if not all, of the maxims….Staley offers his insight on them.

Bodybuilding Maxims-Truth or Fiction?

We've discussed the benefits of Active Release Therapy having experienced it personally.  One professional athlete we know had Active Release done when he was told he needed surgery.  After a few sessions of ART surgery was not needed.  Long Island is the home of one of the very best Active Release Therapy practitioners–Dr. Durlan Castro.  Contact me after you read the below article by Mike Westerdal if it sounds like something you can use.

Active Release Therapy for Strength Athletes

This past week was one of the best at CrossFit Suffolk and we had the opportunity to work with and speak to many athletes and potential athletes.  With the conversations came some interesting questions.  Nothing out of the ordinary, but questions worth repeating from time to time.

Question 1:  "You don't have women doing pull ups do you?"

This came from a man inquiring about training for his wife.  Yes, there is a difference between men and women……..just look and you can usually see.  Yes, generally speaking, women don't have as much upper body strength as men.  Now that I've gotten the obvious out of the way….. we train women to do pull ups if they don't come to us with that particular skill.  Yes…skill.  We consider strength to be a skill therefore we practice to be stronger.  I realize the question is based on the women in the local globo gyms and the women who hire personal trainers who believe a set of little pink dumbells and a giant blow up ball is all you need to achieve fitness.  For these women the thought of doing pull ups is beyond the realm of "normalcy".  They can't or won't do pull ups for two main reasons:  They don't believe they should or don't believe they could.

BCF(Before CrossFit) my wife worked out in a local gym where she did pull ups on a regular basis.  She was known in the gym as "That Girl That Does Pull Ups".  Other gym members would bump into her around town and ask, "Aren't you the girl from the gym with the pull ups."  Some men would look around to make sure no one was looking then quietly approach her to get pull up coaching.  Other men would watch her do pull ups and get a look of genuine disgust as if to say, "How dare she?  I can't do pull ups.  What business does she have doing pull ups?"

Of all the things we believe about women, two of them fly in the face of conventional thinking:

1) Women can be strong in the upper body.

2) Women can effectively stop a violent male attacker.

It's easy to defend because we can provide NUMEROUS examples of both.

Train and believe.  Believe and train.


Question 2:  "Don't you still need cardio?"

This came from a new, well meaning athlete.  I blame myself for the question because the question is not odd, but it came during an introductory class.  It came after my "blurring the lines between strength and cardio training" and discussing working the different energy systems in the same workout.  Not to worry though.  This question is sooooooo easy to answer when the person asking is just about to be introduced to a taste of CrossFit workout.  No words, no explanation I offer will ever do the justice of a few short rounds of thrusters, wall ball and step ups.  Five minutes of "Cindy" does the trick as well.  The cardio question disappears never to be heard from again.

We're never concerned with the cardio question when it comes from an athlete willing to try CrossFit.  We can't help think that there are those who have the same question when reading about CrossFit, but will never try it. 

Oh well.

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