
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
185 pound Front squat
GHD Sit-up

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     **Scale the weight , reps and rounds as necessary.


Jane and Kathleen




Developing Speed Strength

Virtue Of The Sword   The author, James Williams, is not a "house-hold" name in the martial arts community, but he is highly respected among members of the Special Operations community of the military….and that's good enough for us!

2 Responses

  1. joseph

    i did the 21, 18 ,15 reps with 135 then i had to drop to 95 to be able to continue without stopping for the 12, 9, 6, 3 reps. and today my thighs are killing me

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