


Three rounds of:
9 Muscle-ups
15 Burpee pull-ups
21 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.


 The below photo and Muscle-Up Progression explanation is from CrossFit New England, from November 12th 2011.  The photo series and explanation of the muscle-up is some of the best we've seen: 

The Muscle up Progression
The Set up: Grab the rings with a false grip with your wrists in contact with the bottom of the rings.   Set your heels up under the rings and lean back so the straps hang straight down.  Hands and elbows should be as close to each other as possible. 

The Pull:  Don’t confuse this with a pull up; the motion is different.  Instead of pulling you chin over the rings, think about leaning back (head up, chest to the sky, hands and elbows still close) and bring the handles below your chest. 

The Transition:  Time to “Whip the Pony Tail.”  Once the rings make contact with your torso the upward movement stops.  Instead think about throwing your head through to the bottom of a dip.  This is an important step – We are trying to transition to THE BOTTOM OF THE DIP, not jumping to the top of the movement.  Remember to keep the rings close to your body. 

The Dip – Just keep the rings close to your sides and push to the top of the Dip.  Yipppeee!





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