
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                         CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


5X3 High-Hang Cleans + 1 Split Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.


12 minute AMRAP of:

8 Clean High-Pulls 135/95#
12 T2B
16 HR Pushups


Click on the highlighted exercises for demos.  The "T2B" highlight will take you to an 8-minute video on kipping knees to elbows and kipping toes-to-bar.  The Toes-to-bar demo starts at approximately the 5:30-mark of the video.  The Jon Gilson/Again Faster production is well worth 8 minutes of your day.  Most of the other demos are from Catalyst Athletics.  They are quick, with written explanation as well as video!





Flesh Builds Flesh   "When it comes to proteins, the only ones I consume and recommend are those with faces,souls and mothers. If your protein does not have a face, soul or mother than you should it avoid like a kid huffing bath salts."—John Welbourn, Talk To Me Johnnie

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