
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                     CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


Work on skills or make-up a workout you have missed.

Work on skills means choose a set of skills and practice.

Make-up a missed workout means do whichever workout you weren't here for from Monday to Wednesday. 



 Fillers: Pairing Strength With Mobility   "Find the faulty movement pattern and re-teach it while alleviating restrictions and improving mobility and stability.

That, of course, is my summary, most likely grossly over generalized. But it offers a simple template that we can apply for our own purpose – building mobility into our strength training sessions to add training density and improve big lift performance."Todd Bumgardner for TNation.com


 Mirror, Mirror On The Wall  Click on the link and it will take you to CrossFit One World.  Actually, it won't teleport you to California, but it will take you to Freddy Camacho's blog.  When you get there scroll down to June 13th and read Mirror, Mirror On The Wall.  Sorry I couldn't link directly, but this is worth your effort.  Freddy is not only an excellent coach, he's friggin' hilarious.  More importantly, he's spot on with issues commonly seen around the CrossFit community.  Go there now…there will be a quiz on the material!—George

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