

10X2 Back Squat @ 60% – rest 45sec.


10 Minute AMRAP of:
15 Front Squats 45/25lbs (plate)
20 Steps OH Walking Lunges 45/25lbs (plate)



The Physical Benefits of Positive Emotions    "Barbara Fredrickson, Professor of Psychology at the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has spent years researching the role of
positive emotions in human health and cognition – and assembling a
theoretical picture of their evolutionary value. According to her “Broaden and Build Theory,”
positive emotions were selected for over the long-term because they
allowed for a “cognitive flexibility” that allowed for the development
of a broader “repertoire” of behavioral choices. In other words,
positive feelings encouraged our ancestors to consider situations
differently and make new and novel choices that ended up enhancing their
survival. More open thinking led them to smarter decisions or more
effective solutions to problems they and their kin faced.

Mull for a minute your thinking when angry versus happy, dejected
versus hopeful. When do you feel more productive and creative? While
negative emotions often push us toward knee jerk or at least simplified
reactions (which had their immediate adaptive value at some point), positive emotions “broaden” or open our field of vision. They invite musing, play, and invention.
Fredrickson and her team have even studied the literal connections
among positive emotion, expansive thought, and physical attention. Good
feelings, they’ve found,
enhance our “global” (i.e. big picture) thinking, and even expands our
perception of what’s in our peripheral vision. As subtle as these
cognitive benefits can seem, they could mean the difference between life
and death in the hard scrabble, unpredictable world of our forebears.
"—-Mark Sisson, Mark's Daily Apple


Letter To A Client or Why I Don't Believe in Barre Classes    "I used to teach them. However, the best coaches are always
questioning, researching and looking for better ways to challenge their
athletes and/or clients. This may mean re-thinking exercises and
training. Are barre classes good for you? Sure….but I believe there are
better and more efficient ways for women to train. Would I get more
business if I brought back my barre class? Sure. Maybe. But, honestly,  I
don’t want this kind of business. My philosophy is strength. I want
women to focus on gaining strength, not “toning their thighs.” I want
women to focus on building a bigger deadlift, squat or press, not
building “long, lean muscles” (which don’t exist). I want women to be
able to carry the full propane tank for their grill back to the car by
themselves and not have to ask for assistance.

I want women to feel confident in their own skin. I want them to walk
down the street not thinking they are strong but KNOWING that they are
strong. You cannot build a strong upper body doing 100 repetitions of
arm circles. You cannot build strong glutes doing 50 leg kicks to the
ceiling. I don’t care how much it burns. All you will do is tire
your arms and your butt out. And really, what good is that? Yes, you
will be sore. But you won’t be any stronger. It just doesn’t work that
"—Emily Socolinsky, 5X3 Training

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