5 Responses

  1. Kelly R

    Great article! I will revisit during the day again. The picture of the little girl laying on the bench w the tablet says it all. Playtime has changed as we know it but we as parents have to be the ones to make the difference.
    I could write an article myself on this
    Have a nice weekend everyone

  2. Bevin

    George, thank you for making today’s workout a super challenging one. Now it makes the wods in today’s wod wars not so bad lol. Good luck to everyone doing The Spartan today at Citifield and the Wod Wars! And happy mother’s day to all the moms!

  3. George

    Kelly- Write that article! If you want to Guest-Appear on this blog we can arrange it. I know a guy.

    Bevin-Good luck to you and Annmarie at WOD WARS today!

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