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Squatting deep is good for you provided you received proper instruction and you used weight that allowed your body to adapt.  Click HERE if you need the full report for your own edification or you have to show one of your “expert”, non-working-out relatives when they tell you squatting below parallel is “dangerous”.–George


Many of you take a break from reading the website on Sundays.  If you are among the guilty please read yesterday’s articles.  Your enhanced performance is weighing in the balance.  Choose wisely!—George


We have several athletes competing in the EPIC SHOWDOWN COMPETITION on Saturday.  Click HERE for more info.  The competition is in St. James so it’s very local for us.  Spectator tickets are $5.00.  Come down and see what it’s all about!  Cheer on your gym mates!  The event begins at 10:15 am.

The Epic Showdown is an Individual CrossFit Competition

Where: The Sports Arena, 620 Middle Country Road, St. James, NY 11780

When: Saturday, November 15th, 2014

Event Begins: 10:15 am



9×1= 9 sets of 1 repetition

Hang= When you are standing holding a barbell with your arms straight down so the bar “hangs” by your hips.

Snatch= Lifting the barbell from the start position (a “hang” in this case) to directly overhead in one fast motion.  The bar is not brought to and does not stop at the shoulders.

Squat=When the hips go down and back to a point that the creases of the hips go lower than the knees.

Overhead Squat=When the barbell is held over your head and you squat while keeping the bar over your head, usually with a wide or “snatch” grip.

Low weight=It’s all relative.  Low weight may mean the PVC pipe or it may mean 155 lbs.  Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.  Become proficient with a weight that you can handle and go from there.

Heavy= It’s all relative.  “Heavy” may mean 45 lbs. or it may mean 455 lbs.  Don’t worry about what everyone else is lifting.  Work up to a weight that you feel is “heavy”, but that you can handle with good technique.  Proper technique combined with consistent training is what will determine progress.

Workout of the Day
9×1 Hang Snatch & Overhead Squat  (9 sets of 1 rep.  1 rep=1 hang snatch & 1 overhead squat without placing the bar on the ground.)

Note: Receive the hang snatch in a squat.  Upon completing the hang snatch go right into an overhead squat.  Start with very low weight and add weight for every set that you can while keeping excellent form.

21-15-9 reps, for time:
Thruster (95/65 lbs)

Note: Use 50% of your Thruster 1-rep max for this workout.  Read THIS if you want to know why.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

4 Responses

  1. Amie

    Thanks George! Many times I’m conflicted should I do RX’d?? Even if it means I may only get half the reps/rounds or constantly drop the barbell way more than I should have to in the WOD.

  2. George

    You’re welcome Amie! To scale or not to scale or how to scale is one of the more popular conflicts. The article on scaling is one of the best resources offered by a CrossFit coach. The author, Jon Gilson, is one of my favorites.

  3. beth

    I just read the article about scaling and feel much better about the workout.. when i left today i was thinking should i have done a higher weight with a longer time (which i am not even a little bit worried about) and more time putting the bar down? Its my daily question in my head

    1. George Demetriou

      Basically, strength workouts should be done heavy and power workouts should be “blazed” through. For power workouts such as “Fran” the weight used should be as heavy as you can handle with good form without having to place the bar down too frequently. 50% of your 1 rep max for the thruster works well!

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