

1 round for time of:

750 meter row

10 broad jumps

15 knees to elbows

20 burpees

25 wall ball  (20/14 lbs.)

30 kettlebell swings (53/36 lbs.)

35 sit-ups






Analyzing The Squat            "The squat stresses the knees in exactly the way they are meant to
function, causing salutary adaptations of the bones, muscles, and
connective tissues that make up the knee joint. Squats intentionally and
progressively stress the entire body through a large range of motion
for the hips and the knees. The result of this intentional adaptive
stress is an increase in bone density and strengthening of the
connective tissues and muscles that support the joint. These are all
changes that promote long-term knee health.

In addition to these directly beneficial adaptations, the squat provides
various other systemic adaptations that are also beneficial. The squat
trains the lifter to stabilize the load and his own body in space. As a
result, the squat improves central nervous activity, balance, and it
trains the energy pathways. These changes reduce the risk of accidental
knee injury due to lack of coordination, balance, fatigue, or a lack of
basic, full body strength.

The conclusion is the same that has been variously pronounced, stated,
and declared by others, but which I will put down again here: In the
absence of a prohibitive injury or condition, every person who can
squat, should."
Nicholas Soleyn for Starting Strength


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