CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Melissa Wins the Women’s Overall at the NY Grand Prix/NJ State Championship IPA Competition!


CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Melissa Wins the Women’s Overall at the NY Grand Prix/NJ State Championship IPA Competition!

Melissa won the Women’s Overall at the 2015 International Powerlifting Association NY Grand Prix/NJ State Championship on Saturday, April 11th with a Total of 865 (325 Squat/195 Bench Press/345 Deadlift).  Nicole did great for her first competition with 2 new personal records: a 300 lbs. Squat and a 345 lbs. Deadlift!  Congratulations ladies!






Bill Starr, 1938-2015” – CrossFit Journal [article]   Bill Starr was one of my favorite Olympic Lifting coaches/writers.  We posted his article, Stability Nowon April 6th.

Workout of the Day
Hang Snatch with 2 pauses
First,  2-second pause above knee
Second,  2-second pause in overhead squat
Note: Go by feel for weight.  Do NOT exceed 80% of your Hang Snatch 1-rep max.  Well executed technique and control is the idea of this lift/drill.  Improve your technique before going up in weight.

4 rounds for time of:
10 ring dips
10 V-ups
10 burpee box jumps 24/20″

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

14 Responses

  1. Katy

    Way to go Melissa and Nicole!! Watching you guys train is always inspiring! I’m so proud of you guys for your hard work and dedication!

  2. George

    Allow me to guide you through the name game:
    There are 4 Johns/Jons we’re dealing with on a regular basis.
    There are 2 Jons, a “B” and an “F”.
    There are 2 Johns, an “H” and an “M”.
    Jon F. comments fairly regularly with very short, often one word comments. John H. comments often and is usually hilarious. Jon B. comments semi-regularly with witty content. John M. NEVER comments because he would never stoop so low as to address us common folk even though he is witty.

    So there you have it, a complete users guide to the Johns/Jons of CrossFit Suffolk.

    You’re welcome!

  3. Kelly R

    Thanks for the clarification George! Lmao!

    And I think it’s the picture that has thrown me off.

    Users guide to Johns/Jon has been very informative

    Much thanks and entertainment

  4. George

    Glad I can shed some light on our topic. It’s all about the enterTRAINing for me. Thanks for being a good audience!

    John H. had the best comment in the thread, by the way, with the very laconic, “I wouldn’t”…he didn’t even use a period. Classic!

    Good times. Good times.

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