CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Improving Humans Since 2008


CROSSFIT SUFFOLK: Improving Humans Since 2008

10 minutes Split Jerk practice

5 rounds for time of:
11 Deadlifts @ 225/150#
11 Pushups (hand release)
11 V?Ups


Brad at the Colosseum…not the one in Uniondale…the one in Rome, sporting an awesome t-shirt!  The Spartan Performance logo has made it as far as Italy and Afghanistan….so far!IMG_2768



Strong, Fast and Brutal        “When my oldest son first saw me deadlift, he summed it up best: “You mean you just pick the barbell up?” While that should have been my eureka moment, it wasn’t.

The simple fix I made to the deadlift is to just be aggressive and pull like your life depends on it. I know you wish I had some magic geometric equation of your shoulder position and hip position as it relates to the humidity, but I don’t.”—Jim Wendler for

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