
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness

Skill Development

One of our last discussions regarding diet/nutrition we brought up the name Art Devany.  Art's web link is actually listed on the main CrossFit site, but the link below is an article from T-mag.com(or Testosterone Nation).  Art's blog is full of interesting information, but the interview will give you a "snapshot" of what he's all about, what he advocates and how he trains.

Why should we care about what Art Devany has to say?

Well, he's 6'1", a little over 200 lbs., has below 10% bodyfat and he's 71 or 72 years old!

Art's an advocate of caloric restriction and makes an excellent argument for it.  Whether you agree with Devany or not you'll find what has to say interesting.

Evolutionary Fitness

Sprint Training Arthur De Vany
Art DeVany (photo courtesy honewatson.com)

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