
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness

Run 3 K

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  A good friend of ours from the law enforcement community speaks
about his experience with CrossFit.  He wishes to remain anonymous.  He
began CrossFitting at the beginning of the year and has remained
dedicated.  Our friend runs a police department and a law enforcement
training organization.  He is not only a CrossFitter, but does
consistent tactical training and competitions as well.  We are
fortunate to have this man in the law enforcement community and to be
able to call him a friend.  Our friend is quite modest, but very
Here he describes how CrossFit has helped him and why police officers should consider it:

I started in January and worked at it [CrossFit] until the June 1st National Patrol
Rifle Competition. I need goals to keep motivated.
At the NPRC, I finished tied for fourth place in the Gig Pit course which
was a true kick my butt activity.
This was out of 135 young men and women. I say young, because while in my
mind I remain 18 years old, I have passed my most enjoyable college years
several decades ago.
How could a guy my age do what I did? The training I pursued with Lou
and Crossfit as a guide developed in me the burst energy component I did not
have and needed to not only finish the Gig Pit but succeed at it.
I ran myself out of wind after clearing the final four foot wall. I
walked (as quick as I could)  to the firing line when others ran…I
recaptured my O2 level and went prone to fire. In my string of competitors,
although I was last to the line, I was the first to shoot. We were all gassed by
the hard burst of energy…just like a fight on the street…remember functional
fitness is the theme.
But it was not just getting the shots away in the limited time, which I
did…I got hits on a partially visible hostage taker at 50 yards from prone,
sitting, and standing positions.
Of all my shooting, I am proudest of this but make no mistake…had I not
had Lou to coach me and push me and offer the guidance, I would not have been
able to make it to the firing line.
So the training surely made a huge difference. Did I run, jump, crawl, drag
the railroad tie the fastest? No…yet when called on to do so, I could and
I did.
This is what Lou and Brian refer to as gaining functional fitness.
For over forty years I have been gym routine oriented; curls, bench press,
overhead presses, tri-extensions, crunches, leg extensions. Most of the focus
was on how much weight I could lift.
Yet in review when Lou and I sat down to discuss the concept of Crossfit
and the generic functional fitness issues, I recognized that I was deficient for
the purpose I needed to be fit…for my work both at the department and in our
training classes and for general health and daily ability.
So as you read this consider where you are today…where you have been in
your life as to your fitness level, and where you DESIRE (not want because want
is not enough) to be and for what reasons?
Last night I did my workout in 15 minutes…air squats, elbow to knee
crunches, pushups, jumping jacks, and stretching.
Intensity is key but so is duration. You can get your workout in less than
20 minutes. Who cannot make one third of an hour available three to four times a
week? We can, but most choose not to.
At the end of the afternoon yesterday I spoke to my good friend who is a
fellow chief. He was a street kick #$#$ officer in his early days and like too
many of us has sat for too long. I challenged him as to his fitness level. He
told me he carries his workout gear in his car but does not use the work out
facility that he can go to anytime.
So I asked him what is more important than his well being? It surely cannot
be the paperwork we deal with or the everyday problems that will be constant
regardless of who sits in the chair…
To be a leader, we must first lead ourselves. We must conquer inertia,
overcome lack of will, and stand to the tasks of priority.
Among the HIGHEST priorities individually is to maintain health and
functional capability, because without this we cannot carry out our duty or much
of anything else.
I ask you to check yourself; are you working to better your physical
fitness by a realistic goal oriented approach? Do you have the desire and if
not…why not.
Can you wear the same size pair of uniform pants you started with and if
not where do you stand?
It is time my friends for all of us to reassess where we stand in terms of
personal fitness and then take the first small step to put our face into the wind
and start the renewed journey.
I started very slowly and did not do many of the Crossfit routines because
they were simply beyond my abilities. But I can do things today that I could not
consider when I started.
Finally, it is vital that you see your doctor for an assessment before you
again attempt intense and hard physical activity.
Get the go ahead and begin. It will not be easy, it will at times cause
some pain but it is a good pain (not the injury kind) and you will find great
Success leads to success.

Outstanding work and great advice!

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