
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster


…….and now for something completely different…..



"The only workout that strikes fear into my soul is Fran," Petranek says. "The first time I did it, I just wasn't right for about three hours. It's just a six-minute workout, but it knocks me on my can for hours."

"Fran is one of the benchmark routines that involve completing sets in a 21-15-9-rep sequence. In this case, you go back and forth between 95-pound thrusters and pull-ups in superset fashion, completing 21 reps of each, then 15, then nine. Quads, glutes, delts, traps, triceps, hamstrings, biceps, lats, forearms—obliterated. Six minutes and out. Fran just upped your workout efficiency IQ."—from the Muscle and Fitness article, Sweat Storm, by Eric Velazquez

THE KIPPING PULL-UP  by Greg Glassman from the April 2005 CrossFit Journal


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