
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

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Compare to 090719.




The Paleo Diet Blog  Loren Cordain and his team have a brand new blog with a daily question and answer section! 

How To Gain Weight And Build Muscle  The Primal Fitness way. 

She Ran To Gunfire And Ended It  Our condolences to the families of the soldiers killed and injured at Fort Hood on Thursday.

On a positive note Sgt. Kimberly Denise Mulvey did what every cop should do during an active shooter/terrorist situation.  As the NY Times article asserts, the good sergeant ran toward the danger, not from it, and stopped the threat by using deadly force.  Sgt. Mulvey is a hero, but more importantly, she is a good example of what cops do and what they are supposed to do–run toward the danger when others are running from it. 

The unitiated and unappreciative will say, "What's the big deal, that's her job".

The big deal is Sgt. Mulvey could have taken her time, evacuated people in danger, set up a perimeter, make observations and report back to her headquarters while waiting for a SWAT team to arrive.  She didn't.  Sgt. Mulvey was the "SWAT" team at the moment.  She did not wait for reinforcements.  She didn't wait for a member of higher rank to tell her what to do.  She took action.  The most difficult action a cop ever has to take.  When the "flock" is running from the "wolf" the "sheepdog" has to run toward the wolf knowing full well the wolf may run or stand its ground and try to kill the sheepdog. 

This "wolf" tried to kill Sgt. Mulvey, but Sgt. Mulvey was the one who stood her ground, getting shot in the process.  Sgt. Mulvey engaged with ferocity and ended the carnage.  Good for her!

We salute Sgt. Mulvey and her partner(we haven't learned the partner's identity yet) for their action on Thursday!  They make us proud to be a part of the Big Blue Family! 


The other robot voice video was so popular we just had to post this one!  We saw this one on Tony Gentilcore.com


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