
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness

For time:
21 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
18 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
15 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
3 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters

Post time to comments.

Check out the exercise videos from CrossFit.com.  Note the distinctions between each of the extension (hip-back, back and hip) exercises.

Hip Back Extension...[wmv]

Back Extension, Hip Extension, Hip-back Extension…[ wmv]




****Saturday's sessions are 9am-10am and 10am-11pm******


From the NY Times:  The article implies that pro ball players are training differently, modifying their diet and not taking steroids.  The message is you don't have to have a heavy weight, body builder physique in order to be a good baseball player.

Interestingly enough it seems the top level CrossFitters are the males who weigh around 180 lbs. with some exceptions.  This is a casual observation and not something we looked into in depth.

Performance still comes down to focus, how one trains, nutrition and mindset and not how large or not large you are. 

The Incredible Shrinking Baseball Player

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