
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK  **  Forging Elite Fitness

For time:
15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 080713.


The below article was written by Kevin Neeld of Prodigy Performance Training and was featured in T-Nation.com.  While taking a break from training is the typical response from the medical field when an injury occurs we find that advice…..unacceptable most of the time.  Common sense and a little knowledge needs to be applied.  This article is helpful to this end.  CAUTION: There are scantilly clad female physique models in the sidebar at this website.  If your reading this at work some people may find the photos objectionable.

 Fight The Injury Blues: Keep Training

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