
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness


Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

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Sucker Punch: Paul Chek

Exercise: The Fountain Of Youth

Introducing Hector Delgado   Hector has received well deserved attention in the last week.  For those of you who do not need an introduction to Hector allow me to intoduce the person responsible for the blog we're reposting: Chris Kaag of CrossFit Berks (PA).  Chris, a former Marine read about Hector and got in touch with him.  From Chris's blog:

"In 1997, I was an active twenty-one-year-old U.S. Marine when I was presented with the “defining moment” of my life. I was diagnosed with AMN (adrenomyeloneuropathy), a degenerative nerve condition that would eventually affect my ability to walk. After my diagnosis, I had a decision to make: I could give up and let my condition control my life or I could dig deep and push on. I chose the latter, and through my choice to view my disability as a personal stepping-stone and not as a crutch, I hope to motivate others, both disabled and able-bodied, to redefine the way they view their own personal challenges. We all have obstacles, but it is up to the individual to take that next step and push on. The goal of the IM ABLE Foundation is to help all individuals, disabled and able-bodied, realize the potential to go further and push harder than their preconceived limits, because once this potential is realized, the possibilities are endless.

Dig deep and you can accomplish anything."  –Chris Kaag–

Read Introducing Hector Delgado then check out the IM ABLE Foundation.  Occassionally we hear a disparaging word about CrossFit or the CrossFit community.  We never let it affect us.  We know people like Hector Delgado and Chris Kaag.  We understand there are people in the community fighting for something greater than beating the other athletes in their gym or at a competition.  There are people who CrossFit, literally, for life.  For us, knowing people like Hector and Chris puts things in perspective and makes us appreciate the CrossFit community even more.

3 Responses

  1. That is exactly why George,Pat,Lisa are the best
    It is a deep honor to be able to train with such a great crowd
    Hector,naturally,is an example for all of us
    Thanx again

  2. Hector D.

    Thanks Tomaso, I was happy to see that there are other individuals that CrossFit with severe disabilities. I was honored that Chris reached out to me and I hope to train with him in the near future. For me, watching George, Lisa and Pat gave me something to work towards. Thanks again guys.

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