
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                     CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


 Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


WOD Demo with Kristan Clever and Rebecca Voigt by Again Faster Equipment – video [wmv] [mov](Courtesy of CrossFit.com)

Snatch Balance [wmv] [mov](Courtesy of CrossFit.com)





 12 Tips To Tune The Nervous System    "Enhancing performance is about balancing stress and recovery, both of which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS has two subsystems: the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. That's really where the complication stops, because I'm taking it back to middle school science class.

The sympathetic division excites. It's known for preparing you for either "fight or flight." The parasympathetic division, by contrast, inhibits. It's known for allowing you to "rest and digest."

Remember the story about being in a forest and suddenly encountering a black bear, whereupon your sympathetic nervous system provides an immediate surge of jacked-up energy so that you can get the hell out of there? And when you finally make it to a safe place, your parasympathetic nervous system stops you from feeling like a fiending crack addict?

Knowing when to excite and when to inhibit is crucial to performance. But most times, "knowing" isn't enough because the ANS regulates itself unconsciously. Most people wax and wane between sympathetic and parasympathetic control, which is like idling a car. Sure, you're prepared for action, but you're not going anywhere.

And even though you're not moving, you're still "on," which means you're eventually going to run out of gas. In other words, you don't get shit accomplished and you still pay the price.

Understanding the balance between these two subsystems is important for optimal function, so here are 12 tips to enhance the nervous system's ability to seesaw between stress and recovery to improve performance."Anthony Mychal for TNation.com


Food As Status    "It has been estimated that if no one in America were overweight the savings on fuel, medical, food and other combined expenses would be enough to give every U.S. household $4,000.

A recent study demonstrated that obese Americans cost their employers approximately 45 billion dollars per year due to increased medical costs, diminished productivity and increased absenteeism.

Health economists from the Milken Institute estimate that if nobody in this country were obese, the gains in added output from workers would provide a 257 billion dollar boost to the economy.

The national and global economies are fairly abstract, though. Nobody is really going to be motivated by the thought of doing something small to benefit a whole bunch of people that they will never meet unless it's in a traffic jam.

How will your food choices eventually impact you, personally?"-Craig Weller, Barefoot Fitness


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