5 Responses

  1. Bevin

    Yeah for caffeine! I clearly needed some this morning. first I thought it was 10 thrusters per round 🙂

  2. Kelly R

    Good morning George!

    Speaking of rowing- I want to row on the water over the summer.
    Does anyone have any experience with this or know someone that does?
    Can anyone recomend a place?
    I found a place that offered 9 classes in center port but no one has gotten back to me.
    Any suggestions? And anyone want to join in?

  3. Katy

    Love my coffee.. And even more so now that I realized it helps with recovery! Bottoms up people! Kelly.. I’d def be interested in rowing!! Lmk what you find out!

  4. Kelly R

    Katy- I will let you know what I can come up with!
    Li rowing that john has mentioned has a session starting June 2nd Sunday’s 9-11. But it’s all the way in centerport which I think is really far for us.

    Thank you John!

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