Bethany ran the Divas Half-Marathon (13.1 miles) on October 4th! She finished at 2:11:10! Great job Bethany!
***BE ADVISED: This Saturday, October 25th there will be 2 SESSIONS ONLY….10-11am & 11am-12pm.*****
A QUICK YOGA FLOW FOR A BETTER SQUAT A couple of people at the gym tried this flow yesterday before squatting. They were pleasantly surprised that it helped!–George
GREASING THE GROOVE: A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY TO PREPARE FOR PUSH-UP TESTS “Greasing the groove” doesn’t just apply to push-up tests. GTG is a great concept to learn or practice any difficult body weight exercise such as handstand push-ups, pull-ups and pistols. The GTG concept requires one to perform low rep sets of an exercise many times throughout the day. Get a pull-up bar for your office, home and yard!—George
Workout of the Day
For time:
1000 meter row
Trainer’s Choice of Skill Work
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
That’s awesome! Great job!!!
Thanks George!!
You’re welcome Bethany!