NURSE WHO TOOK OUT HITMAN HIRED BY HER HUSBAND WILL NEVER FORGET WOULD-BE KILLER’S LAST WORDS Here’s a hint what those last word’s were….they are words every woman at CrossFit Suffolk likes to hear! The nurse from the above article also appeared in an article written by yours truly some years back, I SURVIVED BY KILLING MY ASSAILANT.—George
Matt M. and Jay are looking for teammates for the FLEX ON THE BEACH competition! The competition takes place on September 13th in Long Beach. The interest in the gym is starting to gain traction…we had lots of inquiries today. This competition is team format. “Team” in this case means 2 men and 2 women. We will field as many teams as the membership demands so if you’re thinking about it then make a decision quickly before they close out participation.
Workout of the Day
A) Handstand holds against wall
3 holds for 1 minute each 1 minute rest in between holds
B) Pistols (one legged squats) 10 on each leg (not for time)
Russian kettlebell swings 24/16kg
double unders
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Wow that article gave me the chills! Sad and amazing at the same time. Good for her!
Article was empowering!
Thanks for sharing George.
You shared another article that stuck w me also a whole back- about a woman being attacked by 2 or 3 men while getting out of her car and her kids were in the backseat. And she said she found it in her to fight back bc she wasn’t going to let them kill her in front of her kids- she ended up ending able to lock her kids in car and get under car to escape them.
AND share with us the article you wrote!
Thanks Kelly!
I did share the article I wrote…click on the highlighted title.
The incident you described happened in Elmont. I was able to track down the woman involved and we became friends–in fact she started training at the defensive tactics school I trained at. That was a crazy story!
George! It didn’t show highlighted on my iPad but now on my iPhone I can see it/ awesome! I will read tonight!
Thanks see u later
Very well then Kelly!
I hope you enjoy it! I enjoyed doing the research and writing it.