Brad, exhausted and with a banged up knee, gave it his all and finished the workout at the 631 Throwdown! Great display of heart!
Vinny at the 631 Throwdown…another athlete with lots of heart….made the decision to enter the competition just a few weeks before!
“Ladies – Your carbohydrate intake could be a missing piece of the equation when it comes to balancing your female hormones, losing weight, recovering from exercise, supporting your thyroid, boosting your energy, and so much more.
Very often, I see females dealing with cycle irregularity, weight lost resistance, and poor exercise recovery in my practice as a dietitian. I’ll hear stories about how a Paleo template was working wonders for them and then all of a sudden they lost their cycle. Sometimes these ladies were rocking their workouts and then started to crash. Chicken, broccoli, and olive oil were working in their favor for weight loss, but now “just looking at that food made them gain 10 pounds.” They immediately blame it on adrenal fatigue and start taking adrenal support supplements hoping that will do the trick.
Sound familiar? Read on.
Yes, of course some of the problems women experience with weight loss resistance, poor recovery, altered sleeping patterns, and cycle-related issues may be due to stress, thyroid problems, or their adrenals. There are always other reproductive problems, such as PCOS and endometriosis, that can also create hormonal havoc and weight gain. Those are very probable guesses and something to consider; however, what if there was something even easier to implement that could help get you back on track? Could the answer be as simple as adding back more carbs?“—Stephanie Greunke for Robb
“Once you load up a bar with your body weight and do 50 squats, you’ll never again complain that your regular squat workout is too tough.”—Dan John for
Workout of the Day
BACK SQUAT: 4X3 @75%
7 rounds for time of:
7 C2B Pullups
7 Thrusters 95/65#
IF COMPETING IN THE OPEN: Scale as necessary bearing in mind that you may have to do these exercises as part of the Open WOD. Take care of your hands!
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Great pictures Vinny and Brad! It was awesome watching you guys compete, your both great examples of hard work & determination! You did awesome!
George- ever have a moment where your sitting in church and the priest is speaking … & you think ” oh God this is about me! ”
This is how you make me feel with all these ” eating ” articles you post- thanks! It’s helping me make changes and chip away at my eating- finding what works & doesn’t- this article was a good one.
( & I am ready to be as strong as a high school football player! Actually I want to be stronger but one step at time )
See you later 🙂
Ouch. Why am I sore already?? Friggin thrusters. On a positive note great article on carbs. Still tying to find this balance myself…
Kelly–Unfortunately I speak about 33 words of Greek and can only understand a bit more. I never thought the priest was speaking about or to me because I barely understood anything he was saying, but I get your point.
Good articles will make a great number of people feel as though the article is about them….and if you feel that way then chances are it is about you!
I’m glad you find the articles useful!!
You’re stronger than some of the high school football out there!