
CROSSFIT SUFFOLK   ***  Forging Elite Fitness

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.

Compare to 090609.




Hector last July….about 70 lbs. ago!



One of the top performers and definitely the most improved athlete at CrossFit Suffolk is Hector Delgado.  Hector came to us about a year ago.  Hector is a former Marine who was injured in Iraq.  He suffered a crushed pelvis, extensive damage to his body and legs and nerve damage to his right foot to the extent that he cannot feel it.  He weighed about 220 lbs. and was physically weak.

Upon working with Hector it struck me that his 220 lbs. must be because his heart was so huge.  He was obviously in pain when he began to learn the exercises and workout, but he never and I mean NEVER complained.  When he began training, Hector was unable to do more than a few push ups and sit ups.  The weight he would lift was either 5 or 10 lbs. depending on the lift. CrossFitting was extremely difficult for him at best, but he would continue to train on a regular basis.  It didn't take long before he began eating properly.  Hector's excess weight was vanishing by the week.

Fast forward to the present…Hector is stronger than he's ever been and he weighs 150lbs.  He is walking much more and he whips his wheelchair around like a high performance athlete.  Hector swims and rides a hand-cycle as well as trains in Brazilian Juijitsu!   In the last year Hector has also scuba dived, sky dived and water skied. 

It is an honor to help train Hector and we are fortunate to have him at our box.  When potential athletes come in and express concern because they have a "bad" shoulder or a "trick" knee they are told their concerns can be worked with or around and they are told about the athlete with the crushed pelvis and wheelchair.  This usually ends the "physical ailment" excuse.

We are constantly amazed at what Hector has accomplished.  Hector is noticeably stronger, fitter and leaner every week.  Hector's performance during the workouts is nothing short of awe inspiring!


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2 Responses

  1. David

    Awe inspiring indeed. People like Hector really put things in perspective. Just when you begin thinking about how tough you are, it’s people like him who remind you to be humble 🙂
    Also, let’s not forget about the trainers who got them where they are… HUZZAH!

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