
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                   CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps


Dan holds the building up just because he can!IMG_2081


***************************************************************************************************************************This We are closing at 12pm TODAY!  We're headed over to CrossFit 516 in Mineola to do the Games Open 12.5 and then barbeque with our extended CrossFit family in Nassau County.  Tyler and Logan of CrossFit 516 were gracious enough to invite any CrossFit Suffolk athletes who'd like to do the last of the Open workouts at their facility and then share in some post-competition festivities. 


Members of Spartan Performance/CrossFit Suffolk are invited to "see Zach off" TONIGHT, March 24th, at 7:30pm.  Zach is leaving us to serve our country in the United States Army.  Our loss, but the country's gain!  Join us!

















Stretching Is B.S.   "If someone has short hamstrings, doing good mornings or Romanian deadlifts is more effective than any possible amount of stretching.

As for progression, you should be able to perform most strength movements within a couple sessions. If after two months of frequent stretching you still can't perform a movement, you likely have poor technique, a muscle imbalance, or soft-tissue restrictions.

If you've ruled out all of the above and are still too inflexible, you've reached your genetic flexibility limit. It's far easier and much more common than reaching your muscular potential. Some people will just never be able to squat to parallel."Menno Henselmans for TNation.com

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