
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                    CROSSFIT SUFFOLK



4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds


"Klepto" WOD Demo – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


Some guys like ketttlebell swings more than most….apparently Raf is one such guy!  You can almost hear Raf's maniacal laugh.





It's Day 5 of the new Burpee Challenge.  There's still time for an easy buy-in, especially with today's workout.  And no, you can't "bank" the extra burpees that you'll do today.  Don't ask.


 Recovery Strategies For Better Performance

"The two easiest things to conquer are:

1 – Eating Well (Enough) – For the majority of people, the goal is to maintain a balanced diet and avoid the nasty ingredients (high fructose corn syrup, excessive sugar, etc) and increase protein, water and vegetable consumption. If you haven’t tackled your diet, make some immediate changes to get your food and caloric intake under control. Remember, food = fuel. You can even refer to the inside of Tony’s fridge for some assistance.

2 – Get 8-Hours of Sleep – We can argue the amount of sleep necessary for each person to “function” during the day. But, the level of your performance – physical and mental – is directly proportional to the amount of sleep you get at night. I’m certain I could give Tiger a run for his money on the golf course if we kept him without sleeping the night before!"—- Geoff Pritchard for Tony Gentilcore.com

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