


For time:

5 power cleans

15 kettlebell swings

5 power cleans

20 kettlebell swings

5 power cleans

25 kettlebell swings

5 power cleans

30 kettlebell swings






Hamstrings vs. Hip Flexors   "Will barefoot running make you a better runner? No, it will not. Yes, it will change your mechanics, but that doesnt mean all for the better. Barefooting is a tool and should be used as that. Period. Your feet are not conditioned whether you like it or not (caveman or not) to be barefoot all the time. 40,000 years of evolution says so, paleo man. That does not mean you need motion control shoes."Brian MacKenzie,  Unscared


Adventure Races (from Outside Magazine)     By Whitney Dreier, October 2011

Scroll down to the last race…….that's the one we're doing in September.  It's in beautiful Vermont!  Several of us are signed up.  Join us….Who Dares Wins!  ("Who Dares Wins" is the motto of the British Special Air Service, we took the liberty of borrowing it for a moment.)—George

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