
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                   CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


CrossFit Games Open 12.1

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 12.1 workout instructions and demo – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov] (Courtesy of CrossFit.com)

Workout video demo with Katie Hogan – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov](Courtesy of CrossFit.com)


Johnny, second from left, had the high score of yesterday's Clean/Bench/Overhead Squat Total with 625 pounds!  Congrats Johnny!


 Top Finishers of Yesterday's Clean/Bench/Overhead Squat Total

Johnny                           625

Zach                              615

Ric                                595

Sean                             565

Brian C                         545

Greg                             535

Sal                                535

Kyle                              535

Scott                            535

Jon R                            515



Get CrossFit     "Coldwell Banker Realtor Nancy Placidi worked out at Nautilus Fitness Center for 10 years, but after becoming a real estate agent, she got out of working out regularly. As a result, the 48-year-old mother of an adult daughter found her energy level at an all-time low.

In October, Placidi ran into mortgage broker Megan Marsh, and she thought Marsh looked amazing.

Marsh asked Placidi her secret.

"CrossFit," was Marsh's answer."—-Christine Eddy, Erie Times-News

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