
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                  CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


30 Muscle-ups for time

If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.

The less experienced athletes will do skill work toward the goal of developing the muscle-up and high-rep pull-up workout.


Beast Skills Muscle Up Tutorial

Muscle Up Progression 





The Adrenal Fatigue Cure  "It's chronic, low-grade stress that never quite goes away that leads to physical problems."–John Meadows for TNation.com

Sumo Deadlifting 


Horst David is an Austrian gymnast.  On July 15th Horst will be 76 years old!



Several of us are heading over to CrossFit Stonybrook on Saturday afternoon after our sessions are over at 1pm.  We'll be doing the CrossFit Games Open Workout #2, Wednesday's WOD, with members of CF Stonybrook.  Spartan Performance/CrossFit Suffolk members are welcome to join us.  Let us know if you're interested.


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