
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                        CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


 3×5 High Bar Back Squat, 75% 1RM


21-15-9 of:

OH BB Walking Lunges 135/95#
C2B Pullups
Bar Facing Burpees

For time.



CrossFit Suffolk-5-19-2012-189



Spartan Performance PFT top scores:


Andrew C. and Greg:                    258

Marc:                                          238

Matt H.:                                      233

Mike D.:                                     232

Sal:                                            223

George:                                      217

Steve C.:                                    206

Richie and Dan H.:                      202


Janie:                                         170  (Only woman to do strict pull-ups)

Jen T.:                                       237  (kipping pull-ups)

Melissa P.:                                 220   (kipping pull-ups)

Lauren:                                      181   (kipping pull-ups)

Joanne:                                      180  (kipping pull-ups)

Ana:                                          173   (kipping pull-ups)


Having Your Coffee And Enjoying It Too!   "Even though coffee can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure, the new study, like those before it, found the risk of heart disease to be lower among otherwise healthy coffee drinkers. Other benefits suggested by recent studies include a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and Parkinson’s disease. Some research has found a reduced risk of depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among coffee drinkers.

People who engage in strenuous physical activities can also benefit, but only if their coffee contains caffeine, which helps muscles use fatty acids for energy and blunts the effect of adenosine, extending the time before muscles fatigue. Post-exercise soreness is also reduced and recovery time shortened."Jane E. Brody, NY Times


19 Tips For Deadlifts      "Deadlifting = strong bones + soft tissue. You need a minimal essential strain (MES) in order for tissue to adapt. Likewise, in order to strengthen tissue, you need to load it. Sorry, but your cute little leg extensions and leg curls aren’t going to get the job done."—Tony Gentilcore

2 Responses

  1. Barbara Olsen

    Awww Janie! So honest. I can’t wait to do ny kind of Pullup again lol. I on der how far back I will be strength-wise

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