
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                               CROSSFIT SUFFOLK

Morning session today: 9:30-10:30am only.  NO 8am session!


 Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
7 Handstand push-ups
12 L-Pull-ups




Train Like A Man Part 3    Good article by Martin Rooney.  We do, on a regular basis, the exercises Rooney describes as "outlawed".   And, unlike professional MMA fighter, Frankie Edgar, we do ring dips not those easy stationary dips he demonstrates in a video that's included with the article.  Frankie's a legitimate bad-ass so hopefully he doesn't read this and challenge me to a death match!

Limitations   "The vast majority of your success in this health and fitness endeavor will be determined by your head.  If you begin with a head full of inhibitions, you will needlessly pre-obstruct your path.  Age and injury are the examples I will use here, but we could just as easily be discussing an inability to visualize success due to having a large amount of weight to lose, severely deficient mobility, etc.  Let’s get on with the proof."Jason Seib, Primitive Stimulus

The 9-Year Rule: A Look At Career Lengths In Mixed Martial Arts    Interesting and well researched article about longevity for professional mixed martial artists.  If you're not a fan of mixed martial arts you may not find this particularly stimulating. 

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