
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                           CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


15 minutes to practice the Split Jerk or establish a 1RM.


4 rounds for total working time of:

7 Split Shoulder Press 95/65# DEMO VIDEO
Run 200m
14 Over the Box Jumps 24/20? (landing on top is acceptable)

*Rest 1 minute between each round.


CrossFit Suffolk-5-19-2012-91



 Rotating Your Lifts For New Levels Of Strength   "According to Vladimir Zatsiorsky, there are three ways to get stronger, the maximal effort method, the repeated effort method, and the dynamic effort method, with the maximal effort method being the most effective because of improved neuromuscular coordination, motor unit recruitment, and synchronization."Jesse Irizarry for TNation.com






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