


Skill Development:

Double Unders

Olympic Lifts

Kettlebell Snatch





Mom Needs Steak And Yet Another Fasting Study 

Sleep Is More Important Than Food  "When I ask people in my talks how many had fewer than 7 hours of sleep several nights during the past week, the vast majority raise their hands. That's true whether it's an audience of corporate executives, teachers, cops or government workers. We've literally lost touch with what it feels like to be fully awake.

Great performers are an exception. Typically, they sleep significantly more than the rest of us. In Anders Ericcson's famous study of violinists, the top performers slept an average of 8 ½ hours out of every 24, including a 20 to 30 minute midafternoon nap some 2 hours a day more than the average American."–Tony Schwartz 


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