
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                CROSSFIT SUFFOLK


5 rounds for time of:

200 meter run

Deadlift, 5 reps




What Makes People So Crazy About CrossFit?

What explains the intense loyalty to CrossFit among people who take it?

"First and foremost, the CrossFit program yields results, and quickly. It's unlike any other program out there — it's functional, safe, and universally scalable (meaning it can be done by any individual, regardless of fitness background/age/gender etc).

Then there's the community aspect. Most CrossFit facilities are like a family. Members are welcomed and greeted by everyone, and because of the high intensity of CrossFit, create bonds quickly. They understand the commitment and intensity required, and through this intensity, share a common bond. Every member is extremely supportive of one another, and always push each other through positive methods. Class size is limited, and therefore everyone gets personalized attention and support."–Ron Yellin, CF LIC



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