
SPARTAN PERFORMANCE                                    CROSSFIT SUFFOLK\


1 round for time of:

20 deadlift your bodyweight

20 dumbbell thrusters (30/20)

20 kettlebell swings (24 kg/16kg)

20 wall ball shots (20/14#)

800 meter run





To Crunch Or Not To Crunch?    Excellent article by Bret Contreras and Brad Schoenfeld…not because we're pro or con crunches and sit-ups, because the article was well researched and it was a great example of applying logic to a subject.  There are so many myths in the fitness community–it's refreshing to see critical thinking in action.—George 


The Lost Art Of Play: Reclaiming A Primal Tradition    "Stuart Brown is a psychologist who has devoted decades to studying play and applying its benefits to both personal therapy and business optimization. He’s one of the few experts who has focused his study on the role of play throughout the life cycle. Over his career, he’s studied play in a host of cultures and historical times, and he’s compared the play patterns of children and adults in both human and various animal species. He calls play a “profound biological process” and presents evidence that play continually shapes the human brain throughout our lifetime."Mark Sisson, Mark's Daily Apple

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