Heat #1 from Saturday’s Team Workout. Having more fun than humans should be allowed to have!
Janie, George, Ben, Angelo, Beth, John H., Jay and Matt. Marisa should also be in the photo, but she’s not.
Workout of the Day
Clean & Jerk
5X2+1 (5 sets of 2 Cleans + 1 jerk)
Load by feel (Challenging but below max effort)
3 rounds for time of:
800 meter run
50 Russian kettlebell swings 24/16 kg
50 sit-ups
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Why is this not in the “Caption this”…
Ben looks a little too happy back there, almost like his penis is touching…
There is a lot more
OMG John H. – I have no words!!
Annmarie- thanks for not letting me the only comment today after saying that!! everyone must be real busy today
Come on Annmarie….. If nobody would have commented all day John would have been so uncomfortable. He would have spent all day wondering if he went to far. You ruined it. LOL
Angelo knows what’s going on….. And is patiently waiting his turn..
Omg Katy!!!!!!!! Lol! Angelo’s expression!!!!
Another picture of Angelo with his shirt on….yawn….
Its like Ben is growing out of Georges shoulder. A shirtless shoulder growth.
Give me 20 seconds on the clock to see how many inappropriate comments I can make:
1) George is Greek, he doesn’t mind.
2) Any affection is good affection.
3) Ben and George, way too happy, way too confortable.
4) Where is Beth’s left hand?
5) Where is Matt’s right hand?
6) Where is John’s left hand?
7) Why is Jay standing like something is up his..nevermind.
It looks like Janie is the only innocent one in the picture!
Ali, I think it is called the 11 foot pole effect.
What was going on Saturday? I hate to say it but I’m glad I had to miss. What was Saturday’s WOD called? Filthy Fifity shades of grey????
“Filthy Fifty Shades Of Grey”–outstanding!! Well played sir!
Ali–You can always tell the ringleader by how disconnected from the rest of the group they appear. The ringleader, Janie, wants plausible deniability should anyone catch on to exactly what’s going on here. Sure, she seems sweet and innocent. That what she wants you to believe. As soon as you lower your guard she’ll vanish or attack. You’ll never see it coming. Don’t be fooled Ali.
I have to do this.
I know it’s not an official “Caption This” day, but I feel it necessary to call it anyway.
Tied for First Place: Al, Katy and Joe M. You all made me LLOL..Literally Laugh Out Loud. I’m actually typing this through tears because I’m still laughing.
I also have to mention the emergence of the two newest commentators to reach the podium, twice in 2 weeks, Joe M. and Katy. They are quickly becoming the Captioners to watch for in 2016. We’ll always be able to depend on Al, Jon B. and Janie, but it will be nice to add depth to the group with the addition of these newbies to the Caption Game.