SPARTAN PERFORMANCE well represented at The Spartan Beast in Vermont: Joe M., Pat W., Luis, Andy, Brad, Mike K., Jay and Matt. Not shown: Jenna R. and Lenny M.
The Spartan Beast “Support Staff”: Tara M., Ashley and Denise
Erica and Ty did the Long Island Adventure Race in Calverton on Saturday!
BETTER POSTURE: WHY “SHOULDERS DOWN AND BACK” ISN’T THE BEST Poor posture is common and leads to inefficient movement and injury. Your first step to solving poor posture is to become aware.
HOW TO DEAL WITH ASSHOLES Spot on! You’ll encounter them from time to time. May as well understand what you’re dealing with for your own peace of mind.
Workout of the Day
Power Snatch
1X5@75% 1-rep max
1X AMRAP @95%
For time:
10 power clean & jerk 135/95#
20 wall ball 20/14#
10 power clean & jerk
20 toes to bar
10 power clean & jerk
20 pistols (10 each leg, alternating)
NOTE: Look…the word “pistols”, above, is highlighted. Perhaps you should click on it!
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
“How to deal with assholes” …. Haha!!! I love it!!! Just the title alone made me laugh !
Great blog on A-Holes, reminds me of what my father always told me:
circa 1985 hurricane Gloria waiting in line to get gas along with everyone else.
me: hey dad, look at this asshole trying to cut the line!
Dad: yup, there’s no shortage of those?
me: of who?
Dad: Assholes son,… there’s no shortage of Assholes in this world
John–My father says the same thing. Little did I know that after a few years of working the streets of NYC I would experience enough to be certified as a proctologist.