

Today's schedule: 8:30-9:30am (ONLY morning session) then regular evening hours (5-9pm)

15 minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat


3 minutes ME Double-Unders

-rest 1 minute

8 minute AMRAP of:

10 Clean & Jerks (full squat) 135/95#
20 HR Pushups
30 Ab-Mat Situps

-rest 1 minute

3 minutes ME Double-Unders



ME=Maximum Effort (As many repetitions as you can do, in this case)

HR Pushups=Hand Release Pushups

Rest= period of time with no formal exercise, breathing is encouraged, no activity that consumes much energy.

Clean & Jerk:  The Clean, in this case, is where you lift the bar from the ground to the shoulders while receiving the bar in a full squat.  After standing from the squat, re-adjust your hands and feet as necessary then Jerk the bar overhead.  You can Push jerk or Split Jerk.



 Schedule Modifications

Wednesday, December 26th 8:30am-9:30am, NO other morning sessions, Regular evening sessions

Thursday, Friday, Saturday:  Regular schedule

Monday, December 31, 9-10am, 10am-11am, 11am-12pm ONLY, NO Early Morning or Evening Sessions

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 NO SESSIONS


Our new sign was hand-crafted and installed by Jay of New York Signbuilders.  The New York Signbuilders website is being constructed at the moment, but trust me, Jay does great work.  Jay doesn't only do signs..he wraps vehicles, installs security cameras and provides other services to improve businesses.

It was good to have Zach back if only for a short stay!

Nick sizing up the pull-up bar!


On Saturday, January 19th we'll be having our annual, MUCH-IN-DEMAND, Holiday-After The Holidays Party!!  Pencil in the date on your calendar and stay tuned for further details!


World Wide Wod: Gym Resolution

This will be a one day national event held in several boxes all over
the U.S. Same works, same day different location. Coming to a GYM near

There is another Garage Games Event on January 12th 2013.  If you want the t-shirt you have to register before midnight tonight.  It's a World Wide WOD which means gyms all over the world will be hosting.  Click HERE for further details!  This looks like a good one to do as an introduction to competitions if you're considering competing at some point.—-George

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