7 Responses

  1. Kelly R

    GM George
    Good article-
    Really, who cares how long it takes you just get it done! This is what I tell myself every wod, even when I am rounds behind just keep moving 🙂

  2. John H

    Katy allow me:
    Ben, thanks bro your awesome too, love working out with you and john H and all those awesome 4 o’clock beasts
    And GRORGE… Fucking really!

  3. Katy

    Thanks Ben!! Those kind of workouts we’re meant for me 🙂
    John h.. I wouldn’t push myself at those tues 4pm run and front squat WODS if it wasn’t for you, ben and the rest of the man only 4pm hour.. Just glad I can hang w you boys 🙂
    GEORGE… Fucking really?!? What are we “fucking really?!” About?

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