




















DAY #2 OF THE WHOLE30!  Please use the comment section below to confirm your participation in the WHOLE30.  How did you do on Day1?  What questions do you have?  Share your thoughts.

Popular question #2, behind what do I eat/how do I cook?, is HOW CAN I DRINK MY COFFEE?  This is one of the issues that makes usually sane folks go completely bat-scatology CRAZY.  You have options.  Easiest option, but hardest sell:  Drink it black.  You can do it.  Other options: coconut milk or almond milk.  Coconut and almond milk aren’t my cup of tea or cup of coffee, as it were, but you make like them.


Workout of the Day
Power Clean & Jerk
EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 7 minutes

4 rounds for time of:
5 hang power cleans 135/95#
10 pull-ups
200 meter run

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

16 Responses

  1. Al.C

    Trish and I are in. BTW your post couldn’t have been more accurate for Trish. She had a good first day but the coffee thing is driving her mad already. As if it isn’t hard enough to replace the milk it’s the 2 splenda that seems to be pushing her over the edge. Without her coffee fix things could turn ugly quick. In that case god help us all 🙂

  2. Bethany

    So awesome that you all are doing this. I look forward to all of the posts and updates. I wish I could have joined…next time around!! Al if I were you I would seek cover, hide, tell Tricia how beautiful she is daily. When I did the program in April I was not a nice wife for a few days ;). But tell Trish i still drink black coffee to this day. She can do it!!!!!!

  3. Danielle Sengstock

    Good Morning George! Shayna and I are up for the challenge!

    Day #1- Bacon and Eggs, and tea with coconut milk. For dinner Sesame Orange Chicken over Broccoli rabe Paleo style.

    Day #2- Scrambled Eggs with a Sweet Potato. Tea with coconut milk, which might I add, I like better than coffee.

    Hope your having a great morning! See you in a little. Danielle

  4. Kelly R

    I am in also!
    I am mean though for like a week so let me apologize now!

    Coffee creamers are the devil! So I make my coffee w
    1 raw egg, cinnamon, some coconut milk ( go w full fat carton or can ) & some kerrygold butter ( optional ) then add hot coffee mix in blender or nutribullet- it’s fantastic ( & u can skip egg if it grosses u out but u don’t know it’s there! )
    ( Jen gave me the egg idea :)))

  5. Maria C

    I am in guys.

    Started on time. Drinking shots of espresso instead of my normal latte and eating ‘clean out the fridge of veggies’ frittatas for breakfast. Could really use a glass of red wine, but that will have to wait until October. My focus is on not replacing my routines (dairy grains), rather eating as if they never existed. Then they offered me a bagel. Sigh!

    1. George Demetriou


      Stay in. Go without the coconut flour pancakes for the rest of the month. After the 30 days you can have the coconut flour pancakes. No worries.

  6. Jen D

    So weird that my phone does that.. anyway for coffee out everything in blender (hot cup of coffee, tbsp coconut oil, tbsp ghee, raw organic egg) and blend for 30 seconds ..u can sprinkle w cinnamon for something extra

  7. Veronica

    I want in, but I don’t think I’ll be able to stick to it when I go to Germany. How do I go to Oktoberfest and not drink beer ?

  8. George

    Good to hear from you all! There’s more participants….some folks are shy about commenting.

    Good stuff for the coffee tips!

    Danielle–You’re making me hungry for second breakfast!

  9. Jason Wilcox

    I’m having fun with it. I’m drinking my coffee black and the food has been good. Although I seem to be eating less I don’t feel hungry like I thought I would. The only thing I miss are scones.

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